On Illness

Erasure of Sigmund Freud’s “First Lecture” in Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis


Alt-text of this erasure poem:

novel bewildering

I find myself lecturing before

doubt I owe to my name

I intend to speak to you

a survey of


it is being that is not mine I had

beginnings. I was final at the time

suffering Let us turn to

treatment set out in detail

without satisfaction

You have no

need to be afraid what I have

to say is true we go along with doctors




rigid paralysis,

loss of sensation

movements disturbed

power subject to numerous restrictions

an aversion to taking nourishment

unable to drink tormenting thirst

reduced to the point of unable

Finally absence

n o person to which we turn our attention

symptoms will be inclined to think

you are illness,

probably small

heart shown

to be normal subjected to various

symptoms doctors

inclined to decide

an organic disease condition


They consider no risk to life

It is not easy

this organic illness. There is no need for us

it will suffice to have an assurance


a diagnosis


About the author

Jake Bailey is a schiZotypal experientialist and host of "Poetry and Pot." He has published or forthcoming work in Abstract Magazine, The American Journal of Poetry, Constellations, Diode Poetry Journal, Frontier Poetry, Guesthouse, Mid-American Review, Palette Poetry, PANK Magazine, Passages North, Storm Cellar, TAB: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics, Tar River Poetry, and elsewhere. Jake received his MA from Northwest Missouri State University and his MFA from Antioch University, Los Angeles. He is a Best of the Net and Pushcart nominated poet who was a semifinalist for the George Bennett Fellowship. Jake is a former editor for Lunch Ticket, current reader for Grist, and lives in Illinois with his wife and their three dogs. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram @SaintJakeowitz and at saintjakeowitz.xyz.